Calm and Serene

Calm and Serene
"Teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom." Psalm 90:12

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Power of Surrender

"No life is more secure than a life surrendered to God." Our Daily Bread

Over the course of summer I made a conscious effort to live more in the moment instead of always focusing on the outcome. Too often we treat life as though it were a highlight reel of coming attractions or an episode of our favorite tv show with a preview of what's to come instead of trusting an unknown future to a known God. (Corrie Ten Boom).  

About two years ago I found the Morning Prayer of the Optina Elders tucked away in my Bible. I've started my day with it ever since then. In recent months this prayer has become more of a prayer of surrender for me than anything else. When I'm intentional about surrendering my will to God I can live moment to moment knowing that His grace is sufficient for whatever I may face. 

The Morning Prayer of the Last Optina Elders

O Lord, grant that I may meet all that this coming day brings to me with spiritual tranquility. Grant that I may fully surrender myself to Thy holy will. 

At every hour of this day, direct and support me in all things. Whatsoever news may reach me in the course of the day, teach me to accept it with a calm soul and the firm conviction that all is subject to Thy holy Will.

Direct my thoughts and feelings in all my words and actions. In all unexpected occurrences, do not let me forget that all is sent down from Thee.

Grant that I may deal straightforwardly and wisely with every member of my family, neither embarrassing nor saddening anyone. 

O Lord, grant me the strength to endure the fatigue of the coming day and all the events that take place during it. Direct my will and teach me to pray, to believe, to hope, to be patient, to forgive, and to love. Amen.

Sitting at His feet,