Calm and Serene

Calm and Serene
"Teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom." Psalm 90:12

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Real Housewives of Samaria

"The greatest form of charity is to withhold judgment." ~ Jean B. Bingham

I learned something amazing about the Samaritan woman (John 4:4-30). She went to the well in the heat of the day to avoid the stares, the pointing. the chatter, and the gossip among the villagers. How many times have we avoided people out of shame or a fear of condemnation because of the mistakes or poor choices we've made? I know I have. Shame and the fear of judgment can paralyze us to such a degree that we stay inside all day with the shades pulled down. Like the Samaritan woman, we dare to venture out only when we're certain that no one else is around. We stay on the sidelines of living, never getting in the game....

What's interesting is that the moment she encountered Jesus, all of that fell by the wayside. Prior to her encounter with Jesus, she sought fulfillment in all the wrong places; but when she was filled with that which only He could give, she couldn't keep it to herself. She forgot about her sin and her shame and ran to tell the very people she use to go out of her way to avoid about Jesus. 

While we've all had our share of "at the well" moments, there have also been times when we've been like the people of Samaria, the "Real Housewives" of their day. If only we could offer one another the freedom that the Samaritan woman was offered that day...

sitting at His feet,